Ever have trouble falling asleep because your mind is busy?
Continue reading “Busy mind in bed?”
Busy mind in bed?

Ever have trouble falling asleep because your mind is busy?
Continue reading “Busy mind in bed?”
Some research has indicated that coffee may be protective for mental health, which may be a surprise as we generally hear about how coffee and caffeine is often the bad guy when it comes to mental health: Continue reading “Can coffee be good for mental health?”
Do you struggle to get enough sleep?
Women face several unique challenges when it comes to getting enough sleep. Consider the following… Continue reading “Sleep Loss in Women”
Deciding what to have for dinner is one of those decisions that can feel relentless- it’s one you need to make everyday as an adult. Continue reading “The Relentlessness of Dinner Decisions”
When you go on holidays with your family, sometimes it’s not much of a holiday. There can be so much organising and tasks to do in the lead up to the holiday, caregiving and responsibilities whilst you’re on holiday, and then working through the aftermath of the holiday (e.g., all the unpacking and washing), that it might not feel like much of a break. Sometimes mums come back feeling like they need a ‘holiday from the holiday’.
Continue reading “Brief Holidays”
All too often, women carry the mental load of what happens within their lives, relationships, and families. The mental load is the invisible work of knowing what needs to happen, when, and for whom, and ensuring that these occur. Continue reading “Managing the Mental Load”
Guilt is something many women experience. ‘Mum guilt’ is so common that it has its own term, but many women (not just mothers!) experience guilt unnecessarily. Continue reading “Women and Guilt”
Most people have heard of postnatal depression, but many mental health conditions can occur in the perinatal period (pregnancy and postpartum). These are summarised below: Continue reading “Perinatal Mental Health Conditions”
One thing I often end up talking about with clients is ‘feelings of fatness’.
Many women have experienced feeling fat at times, if not regularly. What then happens is that this feeling gets confused with your body weight, so if you feel fat, you think you are fat.
However, feeling fat has got nothing to do with your actual body:
Women who are in smaller bodies can feel fat.
Women who are in typical bodies can feel fat.
Women who are in larger bodies can feel fat.
If you are chronically tired, this can be for any number of reasons. Continue reading “Tiredness in Women”
There is so much to write about breastfeeding; in one way or another, it often appears in my therapy room. What I don’t see written about is the hidden mental health toll of breastfeeding.
Having a baby is a big life change (even if you already have children) that you can’t fully prepare for. The emotional shifts after birth, like the baby blues, can catch you by surprise. Continue reading “Coping with the Baby Blues”