Coping Strategies

Coping Strategies


People often come to a psychologist for fancy coping strategies.

And yes, whilst this is something that psychologists can help with, often people already know what they might need to help them cope. Sometimes, the process of questioning in therapy helps uncover this need. And sometimes, people already know very clearly, but feel stuck about how to create this in their lives. Continue reading “Coping Strategies”

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Regardless of personal views, in Australia, abortion is a common medical procedure. It is hard to quantify how many abortions occur each year because surgical ones occur for many reasons- not just to end a pregnancy. (Yep, this is healthcare).

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What can you do if you have scary thoughts about your baby?

What can you do if you have scary thoughts about your baby?


Did you know…

Between 70 – 100% of mums with babies will have frightening thoughts about something bad happening to their baby?¹²

This is a really high number, but it’s something that people don’t talk about. These thoughts can involve accidental harm (such as worrying about SIDS, your baby getting sick, or leaving them somewhere) or intentional harm (like seeing yourself shake or hit your baby).

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Balancing your needs as a mother

Balancing your needs as a mother


When you’re a mother, your life becomes about other people; or at least, you lose the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want. You’re on call all the time, even if you work out of the home. This can be demanding, so mums often crave time for themselves (alone, child-free, or demand-free; even if you feel guilty for taking this time).

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